Maurizio Angelillo
Professor at Università degli Studi di Salerno
Maurizio Angelillo is Professor of Statics and Strength of Materials at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the “Università degli Studi di Salerno”. Architect and structural expert with multi-disciplinary research interests including masonry mechanics, and Biomechanics, trained in Architecture at the University of Neaples and in Mechanics at the University of Minnesota, he and his group are actively working on the kinematics and on the equilibrium of masonry buildings. Angelillo, who is the Editor and the co-author of the CISM books “Mechanics of Masonry Structures” and “Discrete Computational Mechanics of Masonry Structures”, works on unilateral models for masonry since the early 80s, being the author of more than 50 papers on the application of these models to real masonry structures and masonry elements such as arches, domes, vaults and spiral stairs.

Philippe Block

Professor at ETH Zurich
Paolo Borin
Lecturer at University of Brescia

Assistant Professor
Alessio Bortot

Professor at Università di Trieste
Alessio Bortot, an Architect and a “Doctor Europaeus” since 2016 in Architecture, City and Design, with a specialization in Representation, is Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering and Architecture in the University of Trieste since 2021.
He has been professor for the course of “Descriptive geometry”, “Advanced technologies for representation” and “Digital 3D modelling” at the IUAV University of Venezia, at the faculty of Engineering of the University of Padova, at the IED of Venice and at the École National Supérieure des Travaux Publics in Yaoundé (Camerun). He has participated to national (PRIN 2010-2011) and international research projects (James Turrell. Roden Crater Project – Florence 2007; Jean François Niceron. Prospettiva, catottrica e magia artificiale – Rome 2013.
Gianmarco de Felice
Professor at Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Gianmarco de Felice is professor of structural engineering at the Department of Engineering of Roma Tre University. He is coordinator of the PhD school in Civil Engineering at Roma Tre University, chairmen of the RILEM Technical Committee TC-250 CSM “Composites for Sustainable strengthening of Masonry” and member of the drafting Committee of the Charter of Rome on the Resilience of Art Cities to Natural Catastrophes. He has been the scientific coordinator for the design of engineering projects on heritage conservation and structural rehabilitation, such as the restoration of the Farnese Palace in Ischia di Castro and that of the Abbey of San Clemente in Casauria supported by the World Monuments Fund and awarded by the Domus International Prize for Restoration and Conservation.

Paula Fuentes González
Professor at Universidad de Alcalà

Santiago Huerta
Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Santiago Huerta is a professor of Structural Design at Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM). President of the Spanish Construction History Society (SEDHC). Work as consultant for Historical Constructions Analysis (Cathedrals of Mallorca; Santiago de Compostela; Lonja de Mallorca; San Juan de los Reyes, etc.). Director of publications of the Juan de Herrera Institute. Author of more than 80 publications: books (editor), articles and papers, mainly on historic masonry structures and Construction History. Prize for the ‘Dissemination of Architecture’ related to the Exhibition and Catalog Guastavino Co. the Reinvention of the Vault (COAM), 2003. Telford Gold Medal of the British Civil Engineers Association London, 2011.

Antonino Iannuzzo
Tenured Assistant Professor at University of Sannio

Assistant Professor
Antonino Iannuzzo is a structural engineer. He completed his Ph.D. in 2017 with a dissertation on “A new rigid block model for masonry structures”. Antonino’s research during his Ph.D. work focused on models for the static, kinematic and dynamic analysis of masonry elements and structures modelled as continua composed of Normal Rigid No-Tension material. During the academic year 2017-18 he worked as a post-doctoral researcher on “large scale assessment of ordinary masonry buildings under seismic actions” at the P.LIN.I.V.S. Study Centre for Hydrogeological, Volcanic and Seismic Engineering, whose scientific coordinator is Prof. Giulio Zuccaro, and joined the Block Research Group at ETH Zurich as a post-doctoral researcher, for three years: 2018-21. He is currently a Tenured Lecturer at UniSannio.
John Ochsendorf
Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carlos Martín

Master MAson
Master Mason
Vault builder and master plasterer, he has been involved in the construction and restoration of more than 300 vaults to date. He is the founder of Bóvedas Hispanas, a company specializing in the construction and restoration of vaults, working on numerous projects, including some of the most important in Spain in the last 30 years. He is a Professor of vault workshops at a national and international level and the author of several publications on plaster and vaulted structures.
Outstanding works. Vaulted vault in the Chapel of the Seminary of the Santos Niños Justo y Pastor de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid); Structural vaults of the Aljibe of the castle of Jadraque (Guadalajara) and in the cellar of the Valdemonjas de Quintanilla (Valladolid); Gothic vaults in stone in the Monastery of Pelayos de la Presa (Madrid); Vaults and domes in the Colegio San Basilio Magno de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), in the Convent of San Juan de la Penitencia de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), in the sacristy of Loeches (Madrid) and in the Chapel of San Felipe de Novelda (Alicante). He has participated as a builder in the Venice Architecture Biennale of 2016, executing a contemporary vaulted ceiling in collaboration with MIT (Prof. John Ochsendorf), with the design of Sir Norman Foster.
Esther Redondo
Professor at European University of Madrid

Antonio Cazzani
Professor at Università Degli Studi di Cagliari
M.Sc. CE (with full honors) at Technical University of Milan, Antonio Cazzani is a Full Professor of Structural Mechanics at the University of Cagliari, where he is teaching Structural Mechanics in both school of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Previously he has been for 20 years Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at University of Trento, teaching there Structural Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Structural Stability and Computational Mechanics. He has been involved in several research projects, for some of them acting as PI or Associated PI, and has authored more than 55 papers published in international journals. His research interests span between Computational Mechanics, Masonry Structures, Laminated Plates, Shells, Structural Stability and Dynamics. He has been Visiting Scholar for several times at Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, GA, and more recently in 2018 and in 2020 at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL. He has been supervisor of many M.Sc. students and of some Ph.D. students.
Maria Cristina Porcu
Associate Professor at Università Degli Studi di Cagliari

Associate Professor
Emanuele Reccia

Associate Professor
Associate Professor at Università Degli Studi di Cagliari
Eng, M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering at the University of Cagliari, M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Conservation of Architectural Heritage. in Conservation of Historic Architectural Heritage, Emanuele Reccia is Associate Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics at the University of Cagliari, where he teaches "Structural Mechanics" and "Structural Analysis for Historic Architecture" at the Faculty of Architecture, and "Analysis of Structural Behaviour and Instability of Historic Buildings" at the School of Specialisation in Architectural and Landscape Heritage (SSBAP) of the University of Cagliari. Previously he was a post-doctoral researcher at the IUAV University of Venice and at the Sapienza University of Rome. He has participated in several research projects and is the author of more than 33 papers published in international journals. His research interests range between masonry materials and historical structures, masonry arch bridges, composite materials, shells and micropolar continuum.
Marialuigia Sangirardi
Research Associate at University of Oxford

Alessandro Dell'Endice
Post-Doctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich

Amal Gerges
Research Fellow at Università Degli Studi di Cagliari

Research Fellow
Amal Gerges holds a Ph.D. in Architecture and Civil Engineering from the University of Cagliari, along with a Doctor Europeaus certificate. with a dissertation titled Modelling Masonry as a Continuum: Finite Element Analysis Using Abaqus. Her research primarily focused on the stability of masonry structures under static and dynamic loads, a key aspect of her work is the study of masonry as a continuum, aiming to bridge the gap between limit analysis-based methods and the finite element environment.
She is currently a postdoctoral researcher on a national funded project focusing on the evaluation of the structural behaviour of Nuragic architecture at the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering at the University of Cagliari. During a study period at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM), she worked under the supervision of Prof. Santiago Huerta, investigating limit analysis methods to predict the behaviour of masonry structures.
Previously, she worked on construction and rehabilitation projects in Lebanon and Syria. She has also been actively involved in tutoring and conducting seminars for courses on Dynamics of Structures and Seismic Engineering.
Pietro Meriggi
Lecturer at Università Roma Tre

Assistant Professor
Andrea Montanino

Lecturer at University of Naples "Federico II"
Fabian Bernal Orozco Barrera
Lecturer at National Autonomous University of Mexico
Fabian is an architect who specializes in masonry vaults and domes, using static thrust line techniques to assess the safety in ancient masonry buildings. He studied in the Nacional Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) through a master’s degree in Restoration with the thesis “Methodological proposal for the conservation of Vaults and Domes in view of earthquakes”. He did a research stay at the Polytechnic University of Madrid under Professor Santiago Huerta. Currently he is a structures professor at the Faculty of Architecture in UNAM, collaborating as an Independent researcher. He works as an active consultant on the assessment of Masonry Structures in Mexico for private and public entities since 2020. He has worked on restoration projects and retrofitting of masonry buildings. He has conducted the surveys of the case studies for the Summer School on Historic Masonry Structures 2021 also participating as teaching assistant.

Vittorio Paris

Assistant Professor
Lecturer at Università di Bergamo
Giulia Piccinin
Giulia Piccinin graduated in Architecture from the IUAV University of Venice with a thesis on the digital reconstruction of the helical staircase in an elliptical plan of Palazzo Mannajuolo a Naples. She has a PhD in Architecture, cities and design. She is a teaching assistant and contract professor at the Iuav University and the University of Trieste for subjects relating to the field of representation of architecture and drawing (SSD Ichar/17). He is a member of the Imago rerum (Iuav) research unit, coordinated by Prof. De Rosa. She is currently a research fellow at the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering Environmental of the University of Padua. Giulia Piccinin graduated in Architecture at Iuav University of Venice with a thesis focused on the digital reconstruction of the elliptical heicoidal staircase at Palazzo Mannajuolo in Naples. She holds a PhD in Architecture, City and Design. She is teaching assistant and adjunct professor at Iuav University and University of Trieste for subjects related to the field of representation of architecture and design (SSD Icar/17). She is a member of the research unit Imago rerum (Iuav), coordinated by Prof. De Rosa. Currently she is researching fellow at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering of the University of Padua.

Research Associate
Felix Rodriguez

Consultant at GV408 studio and Lecturer at European University of Madrid
Félix Rodríguez is an architect specialized on structural analysis, currently working as a consultant for GV408 studio and as a lecturer on structural design at European University of Madrid.
He completed his BSc in 2021 and his MSc in 2023 at Escuela Técnica Superior de Madrid, where he specialized on historical masonry structures and thrust line analysis, writing his bachelor thesis on the interventions and structural analysis of San Fernando church in Mexico under the supervision of Santiago Huerta, he has taken part as an assistant on the tile vaulting workshop at Polytechnic University of Madrid and as a tutor in the previous editions of the Summer School on Historic Masonry Structures.
Félix Rodríguez is an architect specialized on structural analysis, currently working as a consultant for GV408 studio and as a lecturer on structural design at European University of Madrid.
He completed his BSc in 2021 and his MSc in 2023 at Escuela Técnica Superior de Madrid, where he specialized on historical masonry structures and thrust line analysis, writing his bachelor thesis on the interventions and structural analysis of San Fernando church in Mexico under the supervision of Santiago Huerta, he has taken part as an assistant on the tile vaulting workshop at Polytechnic University of Madrid and as a tutor in the previous editions of the Summer School on Historic Masonry Structures.
Teaching Assistants
Tvrtko Renić
Research Associate at the University of Zagreb
Tvrtko Renić is a postdoctoral researcher at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil engineering where he has been working at the department for strucures since 2017 on research and teaching in the feild of new and existing concrete and masonry structures. He received his PhD in structural engineering at University of Zagreb in 2022. His main fields of interest are seismic analysis and design, existing masonry structures, strengthening methods, graphical methods of analysis and design and use of non-metallic reinforcement. He is part of a research project that aims to study typical unreinforced masonry buildings in Zagreb with emphasis of their assessment and post-earthquake retrofitting.

Research Fellow
Martina Buzzetti

PhD Student
PhD Student Politecnico di Milano
Álvaro Díaz
Álvaro Díaz will graduate from a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture in June, after presenting his final thesis in the area of masonry structures. His strongest interest in the field of architecture is precisely the study of Historic Masonry Structures, as well as general Structural Calculation and Design of any other kind of structure.
He has collaborated with the Department of Structures of his University in the assessment of the structural safety of a damaged parking building in the centre of Madrid. He has taken intensification courses in Masonry Structures and Tiled Vaults under the teaching of Professor Santiago Huerta, who will also tutor his final thesis. He has also participated in various Workshops consisting of building different typologies of tiled vaults, arches and domes with the master mason Carlos Martin. He participated in the last edition of this Summer School (2024) as a student.

Natalia Pingaro

PhD Student
PhD Student at Politecnico di Milano